Continuous Improvement at River Rental Tools is an ongoing standard to improve our products, services and processes, as such, at the Foundation
    of the RRT QMS, RRT has adopted modified version of the “Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA)” process approach, including a fifth step of “Communicate”,
    in developing, implementing, and improving the effectiveness of the
    quality management system and to enhance customer satisfaction in
    product quality.  

    • Plan – Identify opportunities for best business practices derived from customer and regulatory requirements

    • Do- Implement Policies, Procedures, and changes

    • Check – Use data to analyze the participation and results of program implementation and change to determine effectiveness

    • Act -  Through continuous assessments, Identify Successes and Opportunities and take appropriate actions to modify processes or behaviors toward greater program success

    • Communicate – Communicate potential issues, statistical analysis, opportunities and success to Management and employees across the organization to achieve participation, corrective action input, prevention and accountabilit

    OUR Quality Management System is a 16 Point program with Components Including :


    1. Quality Policy & Program Summary
    2. Control of Documents and Records
    3. Management Responsibility
    4. Management of Change
    5. Competence, Awareness & Training
    6. Planning of Product Realization
    7. Customer Related Processes
    8. Design Development & Mechanical Integrity
    9. Purchasing
    10. Control of Production & Service Provision
    11. Preservation of Product
    12. Control of Monitoring & Measuring Equipment
    13. Customer Satisfaction
    14. Internal Audits
    15. Control of Non Conforming Products
    16. Continual Improvement